Source code for bggcohomology.compute_signs

Compute signs for the BGG complex.

For every edge in the Bruhat graph, we need to find a sign such that
the product of signs in every square is -1. Mutliplying the maps
in the BGG complex by these signs ensures that the differential
squares to zero.

The algorithm used to compute this is a randomized greedy algorithms.
We start with a random configuration of signs. Then we flip the sign
of an edge if it reduces the number of squares where the product
of signs is -1. We keep up with this procedure until there is nothing left,
in which case we are either done, or we got stuck and we flip
the signs of some random edges.

from numpy.random import randint, choice 
from itertools import chain

[docs]def compute_signs(BGG): """Compute signs for all the edges in Bruhat graph. Parameters ---------- BGG : BGGComplex Returns ------- dict(tuple(str, str), int) An int (+1 or -1) describing the sign of each edge in the Bruhat graph. """ edges = BGG.arrows BGG.find_cycles() # number all the edges and save all the cycles by the index of the edges contained in them edge_numbers = range(len(edges)) edge_dic = {a: i for i, a in enumerate(edges)} cycles = [ [ edge_dic[(c[0], c[1])], edge_dic[(c[1], c[2])], edge_dic[(c[3], c[2])], edge_dic[(c[4], c[3])], ] for c in BGG.cycles ] # make a dictionary with keys edge indices and values a list of the cycles the edge is contained in edge_to_cycle = {i: [] for i, _ in enumerate(edges)} for i, c in enumerate(cycles): for e in c: edge_to_cycle[e] += [i] # the total sign of a cycle is the product of signs of constituent edges. We aim these to all be -1 def _total_sign(c): return signs[c[0]] * signs[c[1]] * signs[c[2]] * signs[c[3]] # flipping an edge reduces the total number of bad cycles if the sum of total signs of cycles it is contained in is positive def _check_choice(edge): edge_cycles = [cycles[i] for i in edge_to_cycle[edge]] sign_sum = sum(map(_total_sign, edge_cycles)) return sign_sum > 0 # count the number of bad cycles def _count_bad_cycles(): counter = 0 for cycle in cycles: if _total_sign(cycle) == 1: counter += 1 return counter # inintialize signs = list((-1) ** randint(2, size=len(edges))) bad_cycle_counter = _count_bad_cycles() edges_to_be_randomized = 1 step_counter = 0 while bad_cycle_counter > 0: # keep a list with True/False for all the edges depending on whether flipping them would reduce the number of bad cycles edge_status = list(map(_check_choice, edge_numbers)) while True: try: # find the first edge which would be benificial to flip and flip it. if there are none, break out of the loop flipped_edge = next(i for i in edge_numbers if edge_status[i]) signs[flipped_edge] *= -1 except StopIteration: break # find the edges whose status potentially changed by flipping the edge and recompute their status check_queue = set( chain.from_iterable([cycles[c] for c in edge_to_cycle[flipped_edge]]) ) for e in check_queue: edge_status[e] = _check_choice(e) step_counter += 1 # if there was no improvement over last time we ran out of edges to flip, we flip a bunch of edges at random # this number of edges to be flipped at random doubles every time, and resets whenever we did get an improvement current_bad_cycles = _count_bad_cycles() if current_bad_cycles < bad_cycle_counter: bad_cycle_counter = current_bad_cycles edges_to_be_randomized = 1 else: for i in choice(edge_numbers, size=edges_to_be_randomized): signs[i] *= -1 edges_to_be_randomized *= 2 edges_to_be_randomized = max(edges_to_be_randomized, len(signs)) return {e: s for e, s in zip(edges, signs)}