Source code for bggcohomology.bggcomplex

This module implements the BGG complex.

Example usage:

.. code:: python

    >>> bgg = BGGComplex('A2')
    >>> bgg.plot_graph() # Show the Bruhat graph
    >>> bgg.display_maps((0,0)) # Give the maps of the BGG complex (without sing)
    >>> bgg.compute_signs() # Give signs in the complex, turning maps into differential


from itertools import groupby, chain

import os
import pickle

import sage.all  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.lie_algebra import LieAlgebra
from sage.combinat.root_system.weyl_group import WeylGroup
from sage.graphs.digraph import DiGraph
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector

from numpy import array

from .compute_signs import compute_signs
from .compute_maps import BGGMapSolver
from .pbw import PoincareBirkhoffWittBasis
from .weight_set import WeightSet

from collections import defaultdict

from IPython.display import display, Math

[docs]class BGGComplex: """A class encoding all the things we need of the BGG complex. Parameters ---------- root_system : str String encoding the Dynkin diagram of the root system (e.g. `'A3'`) pickle_directory : str (optional) Directory where to store `.pkl` files to save computations regarding maps in the BGG complex. If `None`, maps are not saved. (default: `None`) Attributes ------- root_system : str String encoding Dynkin diagram. W : WeylGroup Object encoding the Weyl group. LA : LieAlgebraChevalleyBasis Object encoding the Lie algebra in the Chevalley basis over Q PBW : PoincareBirkhoffWittBasis Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis of the universal enveloping algebra. The maps in the BGG complex are elements of this basis. This package uses a slight modification of the PBW class as implemented in Sagemath proper. lattice : RootSpace The space of roots S : FiniteFamily Set of simple reflections in the Weyl group T : FIniteFamily Set of reflections in the Weyl group cycles : List List of 4-tuples encoding the length-4 cycles in the Bruhat graph simple_roots : List (Ordered) list of the simple roots as elements of `lattice` rank : int Rank of the root system neg_roots : list List of the negative roots in the root system, encoded as `numpy.ndarray`. alpha_to_index : dict Dictionary mapping negative roots (as elements of `lattice`) to an ordered index encoding the negative root as basis element of the lie algebra $n$ spanned by the negative roots. zero_root : element of `lattice` The zero root rho : element of `lattice` Half the sum of all positive roots """ def __init__(self, root_system, pickle_directory=None): self.root_system = root_system self.W = WeylGroup(root_system) self.domain = self.W.domain() self.LA = LieAlgebra(QQ, cartan_type=root_system) self.PBW = PoincareBirkhoffWittBasis(self.LA, None, "PBW", cache_degree=5) # self.PBW = self.LA.pbw_basis() self.PBW_alg_gens = self.PBW.algebra_generators() self.lattice = self.domain.root_system.root_lattice() self.S = self.W.simple_reflections() self.T = self.W.reflections() self.signs = None self.cycles = None self._compute_weyl_dictionary() self._construct_BGG_graph() self.find_cycles() self.simple_roots = self.domain.simple_roots().values() self.rank = len(self.simple_roots) # for PBW computations we need to put the right order on the negative roots. # This order coincides with that of the sagemath source code. lie_alg_order = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(self.LA.basis().keys())} ordered_roots = sorted( [self._weight_to_alpha_sum(r) for r in self.domain.negative_roots()], key=lambda rr: lie_alg_order[rr], ) self.neg_roots = [-self._alpha_sum_to_array(r) for r in ordered_roots] self.alpha_to_index = { self._weight_to_alpha_sum(-self._tuple_to_weight(r)): i for i, r in enumerate(self.neg_roots) } self.zero_root = self.pickle_directory = pickle_directory if pickle_directory is None: self.pickle_maps = False else: self.pickle_maps = True if self.pickle_maps: self._maps = self._read_maps() else: self._maps = dict() self.rho = self.domain.rho() self._action_dic = dict() for s, w in self.reduced_word_dic.items(): self._action_dic[s] = { i: self._weight_to_alpha_sum(w.action(mu)) for i, mu in dict(self.domain.simple_roots()).items() } self._rho_action_dic = dict() for s, w in self.reduced_word_dic.items(): self._rho_action_dic[s] = self._weight_to_alpha_sum( w.action(self.rho) - self.rho ) def _compute_weyl_dictionary(self): """Construct a dictionary enumerating all of the elements of the Weyl group.""" self.reduced_word_dic = { "".join([str(s) for s in g.reduced_word()]): g for g in self.W } self.reduced_word_dic_reversed = dict( [[v, k] for k, v in self.reduced_word_dic.items()] ) self.reduced_words = sorted( self.reduced_word_dic.keys(), key=len ) # sort the reduced words by their length long_element = self.W.long_element() self.dual_words = { s: self.reduced_word_dic_reversed[long_element * w] for s, w in self.reduced_word_dic.items() } # the dual word is the word times the longest element self.column = defaultdict(list) max_len = 0 for red_word in self.reduced_words: length = len(red_word) max_len = max(max_len, length) self.column[length] += [red_word] self.max_word_length = max_len def _construct_BGG_graph(self): """Find all the arrows in the BGG Graph. There is an arrow w->w' if len(w')=len(w)+1 and w' = t.w for some t in T. """ self.arrows = [] for w in self.reduced_words: for t in self.T: product_word = self.reduced_word_dic_reversed[ t * self.reduced_word_dic[w] ] if len(product_word) == len(w) + 1: self.arrows += [(w, product_word)] self.arrows = sorted( self.arrows, key=lambda t: len(t[0]) ) # sort the arrows by the word length self.graph = DiGraph(self.arrows)
[docs] def plot_graph(self): """Create a pretty plot of the BGG graph, with vertices colored by word lenght.""" BGGVertices = sorted(self.reduced_words, key=len) BGGPartition = [list(v) for k, v in groupby(BGGVertices, len)] BGGGraphPlot = self.graph.to_undirected().graphplot( partition=BGGPartition, vertex_labels=None, vertex_size=30 ) display(BGGGraphPlot.plot())
[docs] def find_cycles(self): """Find all the admitted cycles in the BGG graph. An admitted cycle consists of two paths a->b->c and a->b'->c, where the word length increases by 1 each step. The cycles are returned as tuples (a,b,c,b',a). """ # only compute cycles if we haven't yet done so already if self.cycles is None: # for faster searching, make a dictionary of pairs (v,[u_1,...,u_k]) where v is a vertex and u_i # are vertices such that there is an arrow v->u_i first = lambda x: x[0] second = lambda x: x[1] outgoing = { k: list(map(second, v)) for k, v in groupby(sorted(self.arrows, key=first), first) } # outgoing[max(self.reduced_words,key=lambda x: len(x))]=[] outgoing[self.reduced_word_dic_reversed[self.W.long_element()]] = [] # make a dictionary of pairs (v,[u_1,...,u_k]) where v is a vertex and u_i are vertices such that # there is an arrow u_i->v incoming = { k: list(map(first, v)) for k, v in groupby(sorted(self.arrows, key=second), second) } incoming[""] = [] # enumerate all paths of length 2, a->b->c, where length goes +1,+1 self.cycles = chain.from_iterable( [[a + (v,) for v in outgoing[a[-1]]] for a in self.arrows] ) # enumerate all paths of length 3, a->b->c->b' such that b' != b, # b<b' in lexicographic order (to avoid duplicates) and length goes +1,+1,-1 self.cycles = chain.from_iterable( [[a + (v,) for v in incoming[a[-1]] if v > a[1]] for a in self.cycles] ) # enumerate all cycles of length 4, a->b->c->b'->a such that b'!=b and length goes +1,+1,-1,-1 self.cycles = [a + (a[0],) for a in self.cycles if a[0] in incoming[a[-1]]] return self.cycles
[docs] def compute_signs(self, force_recompute=False): """Compute signs making making product of signs around all squares equal to -1. Returns ------- dict[tuple(str,str), int] Dictionary mapping edges in the Bruhat graph to {+1,-1} """ if not force_recompute: if self.signs is not None: return self.signs self.signs = compute_signs(self) return self.signs
[docs] def compute_maps(self, root, column=None, check=False, pbar=None): """Compute the (unsigned) maps of the BGG complex for a given weight. Parameters ---------- root : tuple(int) root for which to compute the maps. column : int or `None` (default: `None`) Try to only compute the maps up to this particular column if not `None`. This is faster in particular for small or large values of `column`. check : bool (default: False) After computing all the maps, perform a check whether they are correct for debugging purposes. pbar : tqdm (default: None) tqdm progress bar to give status updates about the progress. If `None` this feature is disabled. Returns ------- dict mapping edges (in form ('w1', 'w2')) to elements of `self.PBW`. """ # Convert to tuple to make sure root is hasheable root = tuple(root) # If the maps are not in the cache, compute them and cache the result if root in self._maps: cached_result = self._maps[root] else: cached_result = None MapSolver = BGGMapSolver(self, root, pbar=pbar, cached_results=cached_result) self._maps[root] = MapSolver.solve(column=column) if check: maps_OK = MapSolver.check_maps() if not maps_OK: raise ValueError( "For root %s the map solver produced something wrong" % root ) if self.pickle_maps: self._store_maps() return self._maps[root]
def _read_maps(self): target_path = os.path.join( self.pickle_directory, self.root_system + r"_maps.pkl" ) try: with open(target_path, "rb") as file: maps = pickle.load(file) return maps except IOError: return dict() def _store_maps(self): target_path = os.path.join( self.pickle_directory, self.root_system + r"_maps.pkl" ) try: with open(target_path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(self._maps, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except IOError: pass def _weight_to_tuple(self, weight): """Convert rootspace element to tuple.""" b = weight.to_vector() b = matrix(b).transpose() A = [list(a.to_vector()) for a in self.simple_roots] A = matrix(A).transpose() return tuple(A.solve_right(b).transpose().list()) def _weight_to_alpha_sum(self, weight): """Express a weight in the lattice as a linear combination of alpha[i]'s. These objects form the keys for elements of the Lie algebra, and for factors in the universal enveloping algebra. """ if type(weight) is not tuple and type(weight) is not list: tup = self._weight_to_tuple(weight) else: tup = tuple(weight) alpha = self.lattice.alpha() zero = return sum((int(c) * alpha[i + 1] for i, c in enumerate(tup)), zero) def _alpha_sum_to_array(self, weight): output = array(vector(ZZ, self.rank)) for i, c in weight.monomial_coefficients().items(): output[i - 1] = c return output def _tuple_to_weight(self, t): """Turn a tuple encoding a linear combination of simple roots back into a weight.""" return sum(int(a) * b for a, b in zip(t, self.simple_roots)) def _is_dot_regular(self, mu): """Check if a weight is dot-regular by checking that it has trivial stabilizer under dot action. Parameters ---------- mu : element of `self.lattice` Weight encoded as linear combination of `alpha[i]`, use `self._weight_to_alpha_sum()` to convert to this format """ for w in self.reduced_words[1:]: if ( self._dot_action(w, mu) == mu ): # Stabilizer is non-empty, mu is not dot regular return False # No nontrivial stabilizer found return True def _make_dominant(self, mu): """Given a dot-regular weight, find the associated dominant weight. Parameters ---------- mu : element of `self.lattice` Weight encoded as linear combination of `alpha[i]`, use `self._weight_to_alpha_sum()` to convert to this format Returns ------- dominant weight encoded in same format as input """ for w in self.reduced_words: new_mu = self._dot_action(w, mu) if new_mu.is_dominant(): return new_mu, w # Nothing found raise Exception( "The weight %s can not be made dominant. Probably it is not dot-regular." % mu ) # def compute_weights(self, weight_module): # all_weights = weight_module.weight_dic.keys() # regular_weights = [] # for mu in all_weights: # if self._is_dot_regular(mu): # mu_prime, w = self._make_dominant(mu) # # mu_prime = self._weight_to_alpha_sum(mu_prime) # # w = self.reduced_word_dic_reversed[w] # regular_weights.append((mu, mu_prime, len(w))) # return all_weights, regular_weights def _dot_action(self, w, mu): """Dot action of Weyl group on weights. Parameters ---------- w : element of `self.W` mu : RootSpace.element_class Weight encoded as linear combination of `alpha[i]`, use `self._weight_to_alpha_sum()` to convert to this format """ action = self._action_dic[w] mu_action = sum( [action[i] * int(c) for i, c in mu.monomial_coefficients().items()],, ) return mu_action + self._rho_action_dic[w]
[docs] def display_pbw(self, f, notebook=True): """Typesets an element of PBW of the universal enveloping algebra with LaTeX. Parameters ---------- f : PoincareBirkhoffWittBasis.element_class The element to display notebook : bool (optional, default: `True`) Uses IPython display with math if `True`, otherwise just returns the LaTeX code as string. """ map_string = [] first_term = True for monomial, coefficient in f.monomial_coefficients().items(): alphas = monomial.dict().items() if first_term: if coefficient < 0: sign_string = "-" else: sign_string = "" first_term = False else: if coefficient < 0: sign_string = "-" else: sign_string = "+" if abs(coefficient) == 1: coeff_string = "" else: coeff_string = str(abs(coefficient)) term_strings = [sign_string + coeff_string] for alpha, power in alphas: if power > 1: power_string = r"^{" + str(power) + r"}" else: power_string = "" alpha_string = "".join( str(k) * int(-v) for k, v in alpha.monomial_coefficients().items() ) term_strings.append(r"f_{" + alpha_string + r"}" + power_string) map_string.append(r"\,".join(term_strings)) if notebook: display(Math(" ".join(map_string))) else: return " ".join(map_string)
def _display_map(self, arrow, f): """Display a single arrow plus map of the BGG complex.""" f_string = self.display_pbw(f, notebook=False) display(Math(r"\to".join(arrow) + r",\,\," + f_string))
[docs] def display_maps(self, mu): """Display all the maps of the BGG complex for a given mu, in appropriate order. Parameters ---------- mu : tuple tuple encoding the weight as linear combination of simple roots """ maps = self.compute_maps(mu) maps = sorted(maps.items(), key=lambda s: (len(s[0][0]), s[0])) for arrow, f in maps: self._display_map(arrow, f)